Hacienda Chochoh, a Dog, and some Flowers

It’s not unlike me to see a road leading off of whatever road I am driving and absolutely turn off my route to see where this new little path will take me.

On this particular occasion, after a splendid lunch at the Pueblo Pibil restaurant in Tixcocob, I saw a road but there was no sign to what turned out to be the Chohchoh hacienda, once a sisal industry plantation but now partly abandoned and partly refurbished as a cattle ranching operation.

While coasting through town, I also saw the ubiquitous street dog, in rough shape with a piece of his back leg missing, a chewed up ear and a large tick sucking on his face. Of course there was no way to get close enough to him as skittish as he was, to pull off the tick, unfortunately.

Nearby, the most amazing flowers and a flock of butterflies dropping by to pollinate or whatever it is they do on the flowers.